Broadcast 1427 (Special Edition)

Guest: Don Nelson. Topics: NASA management problems and resolutions. We welcomes Don Nelson of Nelson Aerospace Consulting to the program. You can learn more about what Don Nelson spoke about on this show by visiting his website, In addition, please note that you are invited to comment, ask questions, and rate this program on the new Space Show blog, In our first segment, Mr.

Broadcast 1410 (Special Edition)

Guest: Dr. David Livingston; Open Lines. Topics: SpaceX and Mars, Israel Brain Gain, heavy lift, congress, human spaceflight, U.S. economy. Tonight's program was a two hour fifteen minute wide ranging Open Lines program covering numerous topics and issues. During the first hour long segment, we covered my opening agenda of 13 items, most of which were discussed in some detail during this program. It seems the favorite was the Israeli Brain Gain program I mentioned based on an Aviation Week and Space Technology article.

Broadcast 1388 (Special Edition)

Guest: Dr. Clive Neal. Topics: Lunar exploration, space vision and space policy. We welcomed Dr. Clive Neal who is the chair of NASAs Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) to the show. Please visit their website at In our fist segment, we started out talking about water on the Moon, how much and where. This discussion evolved into the vision for returning to the Moon and the need for a lunar exit strategy so we don't get bogged down and not go anyplace else in the solar system. Dr.

Broadcast 1376 (Special Edition)

Guest: Taylor Dinerman. Topics: Falcon 9, commercial space, ISDC, SSP. We welcomed back Taylor Dinerman and learned that he is no longer writing for The Space Review but is now writing for the Hudson Institute New York. You can find his new posts at In our first segment, Mr. Dinerman started out by commending the Falcon 9 for a near flawless launch and Space X. Taylor talked about the U.S.

Broadcast 1324 (Special Edition)

Guest: Dr. Bruno Stanek. Topics: How the Swiss and Europeans view new US space policy proposals. Dr. Bruno Stanek returned as our guest to share his perspectives and what is reported in the Swiss and some of the European media regarding America's proposed space policy and Program of Record in this nearly two hour program. In our first segment, Dr. Stanek talked about the Swiss media and reports that America was killing the human spaceflight program. He said too many people see us as doing nothing. This change in perspective has shocked many people.

Broadcast 1318 (Special Edition)

Guest: Cynda Collins Arsenault; Topics: Secure World Foundation (SWF), space community organization, space security. Cynda Collins Arsenault was the guest for this program to discuss the formation of Secure World Foundation, space security, and other relevant and related topics. In our first segment, Ms. Arsenault told us about her reaction to hearing JFK talking about putting men on the Moon and that she wanted to go to space on airline flights to the Moon.

Broadcast 1316 (Special Edition)

Guest: Dr. Pascal Lee. Topics: Phobos, Mars, SETI & the Drake Equation, space policy. Dr. Pascal Lee returned to The Space Show for an exciting discussion on several relevant and most interesting topics. In our fist segment , we discussed humans to Phobos and Deimos before going to Mars. Dr. Lee explained why these were better initial destinations than Mars, especially Phobos. Did you know that it would be less costly to go to Phobos than our Moon? This is a very comprehensive discussion that you will not want to miss.

Broadcast 1312 (Special Edition)

Guest: Dr. George Robinson. Topics: the Biology of Space Law and commercial space management. Dr. George Robinson was our guest for this two hour program centered around his paper, "Quantum Physics and the Biology of Space Law: The Interstitial Glue of Global Support for Space Migration and a Proposed Commercial Management Infrastructure." If after hearing this program you would like a copy of this paper, please email your request to me. In our first segment, Dr.

Broadcast 1306 (Special Edition)

Guest: Brent Sherwood. Topics: NASA Flexible Path based on the Augustine Commission Report. Brent Sherwood returned for this Space Show program to present a detailed discussion the potential NASA Flexible Path for our coming civil space policy. In our first segment, Mr. Sherwood explained the basis of the Short Study conducted by various NASA centers and participants during the Fall 2009. Brent was the Study Coordinator. This is an important discussion as Brent outlines the purpose of the study, who participated, why, and much more.

Broadcast 1300 (Special Edition)

Guest: Donald Beattie. Topics: U.S. civil space policy in the 2011 budget, Space Shuttle retirement. Donald Beattie returned as our guest to discuss his book, "ISScapades: The Crippling Of America's Space Program" which can easily be applied to our situation today given the Administration's 2011 budget and civil space policy announcement. The book can be purchased from the One Giant Leap Foundation book page by using this URL:


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