Dr. Doug Plata

Dr. Plata is a physician and public health specialist in Loma Linda, CA. His undergraduate degree was in biophysics and he went on to complete his MD and MPH with specialty training in Family and Preventive Medicine. His primary interest in space is the development of a cost-effective transportation to the Moon based upon lunar polar ice for propellant and the establishment of humanity's first permanent foothold off Earth.  A description of this Plan for Sustainable Space Development can be found at DevelopSpace.info. He has founded a new type of free-to-join space advocacy organization called the Space Development Network which can also be found at DevelopSpace.info.

Broadcast 2004 (Special Edition)

Guests: Dr. John Jurist and Dr. Doug Plata served as co-hosts. Topics: This program honored The Space Show for its more than 2,000 programs and its upcoming 12th anniversary. Please direct all comments and questions regarding Space Show programs/guest(s) to the Space Show blog, http://thespaceshow.wordpress.com. Comments and questions should be relevant to the specific Space Show program. Written Transcripts of Space Show programs are a violation of our copyright and are not permitted without prior written consent, even if for your own use.

Broadcast 1957 (Special Edition)

Guest: Dr. Doug Plata. Topics: Taking action on one's space advocacy ideas. Please direct all comments and questions regarding Space Show programs/guest(s) to the Space Show blog, http://thespaceshow.wordpress.com. Comments and questions should be relevant to the specific Space Show program. Written Transcripts of Space Show programs are a violation of our copyright and are not permitted without prior written consent, even if for your own use.


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