Wade Butcher

Wade Butcher is an early member of Team FREDNET and member of the business team. Originally from Mountain View California, Mr. Butcher's interest in space began as a youngster growing up in Huntsville, Alabama during the heady days of the space race. In Huntsville, he attended Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom High School where he met and became friends with Mr. Bourgeois. After receiving his BS degree in Biology from the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, he began his career at the University of Alabama, Birmingham in the Department of Biochemistry where he studied the molecular mechanisms of bacterial adhesion in septic arthritis and deep tissue infection. Mr. Butcher continued these studies at the University of Pittsburgh Dental School where he also studied the pathogens causing Lyme disease and Legionnaires disease. Also at this time, Mr. Butcher became interested in the emerging world wide web and founded Mezclar Designs which provided web design and development services. Mr. Butcher then managed clinical drug trials at ASTHMA Inc. in Seattle Washington before permanently shifting away from biology to concentrate on web and software development. He has worked for Walt Disney and Fox where he has managed software development, project management, quality assurance and design teams.

Broadcast 1193 (Special Edition)

Guests: Dr. Sean Case, Fred Bourgeois, Richard Core, Wade Butcher, Mike Barrucco for Team FREDNET. Topics: Team FREDNET and the Google Lunar X Prize. Team FREDNET was our guest for this show, talking about its open source approach to designing its Google Lunar X Prize entry. Our guests talked about the Web 2.0 tools being used on their site for open source, including their forum, and how it was bringing people together in a collaborative effort for their lunar project. We also discussed the downstream commercial value for going to the Moon, especially after the contest ends.

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